
SEND/Enhanced Resource Section

SEND within The Pingle Academy 

All students with The Pingle Academy are exposed to robust, differentiated, quality first teaching and reasonable adjustments are made to ensure the inclusion and progress of all students. Where necessary, clearly identified strategies are shared with Academy staff to address additional needs of students. The SEND team works closely with all Academy staff, offering support and advice as well as monitoring progress. 

Year 6 students take part in a transition programme and where appropriate, enhanced transition visits are available to become familiar with the academy. Staff attend Annual Reviews of EHCPs at feeder primary schools and primary SENCos/Year 6s teachers share information prior to transition visits. 

All EHCPs are reviewed annually and progress towards outcomes are monitored regularly. 

Parents/carers of students on the SEND register (without an EHCP) are invited to review their Student Support Profile annually via appointment and also at Parents Evenings. Additional reviews will be held if required.  Transition reviews are held in Year 9 and students and families are supported throughout key stage 4 to make choices for Post 16 placements, both at the Academy Sixth form and at local colleges. All students have access to career advice. 

There is close liaison between the SEND  Department, Faculties and Pastoral staff to ensure progress is monitored, and any provision adjusted when necessary. Mainstream students  can access support within two student study zones at breaks and lunch times and a homework club is available to support SEND students. 

Where appropriate The Pingle Academy works closely with a wide variety of external agencies to support students with SEND. These include Occupational Therapists, Speech and language Therapists, the Behaviour Support Service, Educational Psychologists, physiotherapists and Early Help and Social Care Teams amongst others. 


SEND Mainstream

Does The Pingle Academy have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator?

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Miss S Khan. She works with students, teachers, parents and external agencies to ensure that students’ needs are being met. Miss S Khan works in the Academy Monday to Friday and can be contacted on skhan.pingle@deferrerstrust.com. She will be happy to make an appointment with you to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. She is supported by two Assistant SENCO’s Ms Lane and Mrs Townsend. 

What kinds of Special Educational Needs does The Pingle Academy make provision for?

Our first response to supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is to provide high quality teaching which targets a student’s area of weakness through a personalised and differentiated curriculum. If a student still continues to make less than expected progress the SEND Team will assess whether the student has SEN. This enables us to make sure we are taking appropriate action to support a student’s needs. Any student identified as having a learning need will have at least one of four broad areas of need.

• Communicating and interacting

• Cognition and learning

• Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

• Sensory and/or physical needs


How does The Pingle Academy identify and assess SEN?

We endeavour to ensure each student with SEN gets the support they need. Subject teachers are responsible for the progress and development of students in their class, including the support given by Teaching Assistants or external agencies.

High quality teaching, differentiated for student’s needs, is the first way we respond to students who have SEN. Additional intervention and support cannot make-up for a lack of good teaching. To support this, teaching at The Pingle Academy is regularly reviewed. We have a thorough professional development programme to ensure teachers understanding of strategies to support and identify vulnerable students and their knowledge of SEND is up-to date.

When a student is identified as having SEN we use a four-step process to ensure barriers to learning are removed and effective provision is put in place. This process is known as the

‘Graduated Approach’ and ensures that parents and students need are at the centre of all provision provided.

How does The Pingle Academy know how much progress is being made by students with


We have rigorous assessment procedures to ensure we are keeping track of students’  progress throughout their time with us. Twice a year parents will receive a Data Report on  their child’s progress.

Parents of students who are identified as having Special Educational Needs will be invited  into the Academy to talk about their child’s targets and review the progress they are making  towards them. These meetings will be based around scheduled meetings planned at the  Academy such as Parents’ Evenings. At least once a year, parents of students with high  needs SEND will be invited into the Academy to attend their child’s annual review.

What training do the staff at The Pingle Academy have?

The SEND team will ensure that all necessary staff are aware of students’ specific special educational needs. They will work closely together to plan staff training throughout the year. This thorough training programme ensures teachers understanding of strategies to  

support and identify vulnerable students and their knowledge of SEND is up-to-date. This training is run by Academy staff with specialist experience as well as by external agencies.

Our Teaching Assistants have received training in Attachment Disorder, Literacy interventions, social skills, emotion coaching, Lego therapy and many more. They work with teaching staff to ensure that students with SEND can access the curriculum.

What extra-curricular activities can a student with SEN access at The Pingle Academy?

We work hard to ensure that students with SEND engage in the activities of the Academy alongside students who do not have SEND. We will try to make sure that students with additional needs are able to take part fully in Academy visits and events. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive Academy.

In addition to the Academy curriculum, many subject areas run educational visits to enrich the experiences our students have. The Academy also runs an exciting enrichment programme, after the formal school day end, where all students have the opportunity to broaden their experiences outside the curriculum. No student will be excluded from extracurricular activities based on SEND.


How does The Pingle Academy get more specialist help for students if they need it?

When a student continues to make less than expected progress, despite support and interventions that are matched to their area of need, we will consider involving specialists or external agencies. Following a meeting or assessment with a specialist we will share what was discussed and/or agreed with the parents and teachers of the student.

If we feel a student needs more specialist help we can work with the organisations to get this. Some examples are below.  

• Educational Psychology

• Communication Autism Team

• Hearing & Visual team  

• Impairment Advisory Teachers

• Speech & Language Therapist


Local offer information


The Pingle Academy has 2 Enhanced Resource Provisions, the LSB and the ARC. 

The LSB caters for students with an EHCP who are working significantly below their peers academically. The ARC caters for students with an EHCP and a diagnosis of Autism who are working at a similar level to their peers. 

An Enhanced Resource Provision can offer students in the local area sustainable access to a mainstream site and curriculum while at the same time offering enhanced and flexible person-centred support. Support is designed to be specialised and supports students to overcome their barriers to learning and participation. 

It offers opportunities to grow and develop alongside both neuro-typical peers and peers with similar presentations and SEND, thus maximising the opportunities for social support and friendship.  It offers inclusive opportunities into mainstream school life through specific lessons, use of facilities, access to year group events or extra-curricular activities at a level that suits the individual. 

Please note, places within the Enhanced Resource Provisions are assigned by a SEND panel at Derbyshire County Council. It is appropriate to invite us to a child’s Year 5/6 annual review if a place in the Enhanced Resource Provision is being considered.

How can I secure a place for my child in the LSB?

Students need to have an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) and are working significantly below their peers academically.

Feeder schools may suggest an ERS placement and parents/carers can make a request to Derbyshire County Council via a Year 6 annual review meeting for an ERS placement.

Parents/carers are encouraged to come and have a look around and meet the staff and see the LSB during a normal day.  Most parents/carers come for a look round before their child’s Year 5 annual review.

What makes the LSB unique?

  • Classes are small with a high ratio of staff to students.
  • Students are taught in ability groups across year groups.
  • Staff look at what is best for each child as an individual when considering curriculum, enrichment and grouping.
  • Staff know the students well.
  • Staff are skilled at working with students with learning difficulties and many other SEND needs.
  • Timetables can be personalised to suit physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy programmes from health professionals.
  • Students can access main school lessons if appropriate, including GCSE/BTEC courses.

Why is being part of a mainstream school important for LSB students?

Being part of The Pingle Academy allows students to be part of their local school and get to know their community. 

It allows them to interact with their peers, from joining after school clubs to accessing mainstream lessons with support. Students attend assembly with their year group, participate in reward visits, use specialist facilities for lessons and are invited to whole school events such as prize giving.

What will my child’s day look like?

Students are taught National Curriculum subjects within small groups and with familiar staff. Staff use various communication methods to allow students to reach their potential, with a strong emphasis on visual and practical learning.

Social skills are emphasised, both in lesson time and in free time.  Personal and social skills are worked on as needed, ranging from toileting and dressing skills to friendship skills.

Weekly life skills lessons allow students to grow in confidence as they develop new skills. They also allow them to access out of school activities and interact with the local community.  Activities could include sports activities, volunteer work, visits to local shops and cafes and accessing public transport.

In addition to this, KS4 students increase their life skills and vocational courses and can access supported or independent work experience. There is also the opportunity to access college courses.  KS4 students work towards Entry Level, Level 1 and GCSE courses, if appropriate.

Enhanced transition from primary school and into Post 16 provision are important for LSB students.

How do we measure progress?

Data on progress is collected termly and a report is sent home to parents after each collection. Staff keep a close eye on progress in all subjects and interventions or extra support are given to a student if needed.

Some LSB students can make small steps of progress academically, but can make significant improvements in independence and social skills during their time with us.  Both are equally valued and rewarded.

Is it right for my child?

Parents/carers and students are welcome to visit in order to find out whether a student’s needs can be met.

ARC (Autism Resource Centre) 

How can I secure a place for my child in the ARC?

Students need to have an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) and be working at the academic level of their peers.  Often feeder schools suggest an ERS placement and parents/carers can make a request to Derbyshire County Council SEND Department via a Year 6 annual review for a place.

Parents/carers are encouraged to come and have a look around and meet the staff and see the ARC during a normal day.  Most parents/carers come for a look round before their child’s Year 5 annual review.

An ARC placement may be appropriate for a number of reasons

  • Sensory processing difficulties that may cause anxiety within a mainstream classroom and a need for sensory breaks
  • Direct and regular teaching required for social communication skills
  • A need for support with life skills, homework or other areas of the wider curriculum
  • A need for ISA/TA support to access parts of the mainstream curriculum
  • A supportive environment for breaks and lunchtimes as well as at the start of the day

Why is being part of a mainstream school important for ARC students?

ARC students have access to subject specialist staff and a wider range of KS4 qualifications. 

It allows them to interact with their peers, from joining after school clubs to accessing mainstream lessons with support. Students attend assembly with their year group, participate in reward visits, use specialist facilities for lessons and are invited to whole school events such as prize giving.

What will my child’s day look like?

Timetables and the subsequent support are differentiated according to the needs of the students.  Some students access a mainstream timetable, with support, for the majority of their time and others work in small groups in the ARC for the majority of their time.

There is access to direct social skills and life skills teaching alongside the National Curriculum, KS4 students within the ARC work towards GCSEs either within the mainstream classes or within the ARC.  They may have timetabled time to complete homework and/or consolidate learning within their week.

Is it right for my child?

Parents/carers and students are welcome to visit in order to find out whether a student’s needs can be met

Please contact Mrs L Harling, Head of the Enhanced Resource Section

Please follow the link below to view the Trust-wide SEND policy

Trust SEND Policy


Page Downloads Date  
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