Homework System
- Students will be set homework according to the schedule in the Homework Policy.
- Homework will be recorded on ClassCharts and Google Classroom/Showbie.
- The academy will monitor the setting and completion of work, checking its quality and frequency to ensure consistency.
- Students will be expected to complete homework on time and sanctions will be in place if they don’t.
Role of Learner:
- Check homework regularly on ClassCharts/Google Classroom/Showbie.
- Plan to meet homework deadlines.
- Work hard to complete all homework tasks on time and to the best of their ability.
Role of Parents/Carers
- Speak with their child regularly about their learning and discuss the importance of completing homework tasks.
- Check ClassCharts regularly, to monitor the homework that has been set for their child.
- Provide a suitable environment in which learning can be completed.
- Contact the academy if their child is having difficulties with homework or if there are extenuating circumstances that would prevent the completion of work at home.
- If their child is absent, ensure that they catch up with any incomplete classwork.
- Respond to any communication they receive regarding their child’s failure to complete work outside of the classroom.
- Ensure their child engages with and completes remote learning activities to a good standard.